Everyday in classrooms across Texas, art, dance, music, and theatre educators challenge students to learn in new ways. The tools these teachers use are manifold: student standards, rigorous curricula, engaging instruction, and formative and summative assessment strategies. The backbone of fine arts instruction in Texas, the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), help educators structure instruction around what students should know and be able to do by the end of each grade level in art, dance, music, and theatre. The TEKS are vertically aligned to provide for a cohesive curriculum from one grade to the next. Furthermore, the TEKS mandate consistent and rigorous student learning in the fine arts throughout the state.
This area of the website houses information pertaining directly to teaching the fine arts. This includes the student standards, assessment strategies, instructional techniques, as well as information on Chapter 74 of the Texas Administrative Code, graduation requirements, and other curricular issues. Furthermore, this section of the site houses online instructional resources such as Connect the TEKS, Fine Arts for All Students and the Arts Integration Online Toolkit. Use the menu at the top to explore and visit often.