TEKS Resources
Middle School
Middle School
Dance Composition / Improvisation I :: Introductory :: New Class Ideas
Dance Composition / Improvisation II :: Follows Dance Composition / Improvisation I
Dance Composition / Improvisation III :: Follows Dance Composition / Improvisation II
Dance Composition / Improvisation IV :: Follows Dance Composition / Improvisation III
Dance Performance and Ensemble III :: Follows Performance and Ensemble II
Dance Performance and Ensemble III :: Follows Performance and Ensemble II
Dance and Media Communications II :: Follows Dance and Media Communications I
International Baccalaureate Dance I (SL and HL) :: Introductory 11th grade ONLY
High School Dance - Modern/Contemporary Dance I New Class Ideas
High School Dance - Modern/Contemporary Dance II New Class Ideas
High School Dance - Modern/Contemporary Dance III New Class Ideas
High School Dance - Modern/Contemporary Dance IV New Class Ideas
Middle School
High School
Instrumental Ensemble III :: Follows Instrumental Ensemble II
Instrumental Ensemble IV :: Follows Instrumental Ensemble III<
Jazz Ensemble II / Jazz Improvisation II :: Follows Jazz Ensemble I / Jazz Improvisation I
Jazz Ensemble III / Jazz Improvisation III :: Follows Jazz Band II / Jazz Improvisation II
Jazz Band IV / Jazz Improvisation IV :: Follows Jazz Band III / Jazz Improvisation III