State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC)
The 74th Texas Legislature created the State Board for Educator Certification in 1995 to govern the standards of the education profession in Texas. SBEC’s 15-member board oversees all aspects of the state’s standards-based licensure system to ensure that all Texas students have appropriately certified teachers. One of SBEC’s guiding principles is the belief that educators themselves are equipped to create and uphold high standards for teaching preparation, practice, and conduct. SBEC’s Information and Support Center (ISC) provides information to the public on all aspects of educator preparation, assessment, and certification. SBEC is committed to building respect for the teaching profession in Texas and welcomes input from teachers, school staff, and community members on ways to improve teacher training, certification, support, and professional development.
The primary responsibilities of SBEC include:
Educator Preparation. The board works with educator preparation entities on program development, approval, and implementation.
Teacher Assessment/Accountability. SBEC manages the on-going development, review, and administration of examinations required for certification, such as the TExES. SBEC also monitors educator preparation entities with the Accountability System for Educator Preparation (ASEP).
Certification. SBEC issues all educator credentials to applicants who meet the requirements for teacher certification in Texas.
Investigations and Enforcement. SBEC enforces the standards of conduct for Texas educators, reviewing complaints of misconduct and holding formal public hearings when necessary.
To rethink how educators are prepared and certified, SBEC drafted the Framework for Educator Certification and Preparation in May 1997 to guide future policies and plans. Some of the relevant principles underlying the framework include the following:
The education profession must adopt high standards for all facets of the preparation, certification, and conduct of educators and must remove individuals who do not meet those standards.
The types, grade-level groupings, and fields of teaching certificates must be designed broadly enough to assure that the state’s required curriculum is taught by appropriately certified teachers.
The Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills must be the cornerstone for subject area certificates.
A continuum of certificates should parallel the professional growth of educators. This continuum begins with a conditional certificate for the induction period, and includes a standard certificate and an advanced certificate.
Beginning educators must receive ongoing, formal, and collaborative support from a team consisting of both public or accredited private school personnel and preparation program faculty.